Sunday, 24 March 2013

Naked You Die

Naked You Die
Genre: Giallo
Original title: Nude... si muore
AKA: The Miniskirt Murders, The Young, the Evil & the Savage 
Director: Antonio Margheriti
Year: 1968

 A group of young students are stalked by a leather-gloved killer at an exclusive girl's school. As the bodies pile up, and the list of possible murderers grows longer.

This is a very much toned down & light-hearted Giall from director Antonio Margheriti which takes place in a private girls school. Now, many films of the genre have this kind of premise and deliberately take advantage of this with tons of sex & flesh on show however Naked You Die always remains restrained. Even the kills were left more to the imagination or just very graphically light. Had this script been made a couple of years later it'd of been a completely different picture. 

If the film lacks on the exploitive side of things it does deliver a engaging mystery/thriller plot which is helped by a really fun set of characters that always keep things ticking along nicely. Also, being from '68 you get a very swinging sounding soundtrack with an opening theme that wouldn't sound out of place on a James Bond Bond film. 

It's a decent example of a late 60's Giallo that relies more on it's well written script rather than any visual thrills that the genre would soon be so famous for.

Rating: ★★★

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